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Unfall des dänischen Teams in Belgien

Folgende Email wurde heute von Christian Engelbrecht an alle verschickt:

Hi everibody,

As some of you may know, the Danish team from Perlonjour had a serious car accident immediatly after leaving the competition at Perlonjour in Belgium. This mail is just to ensure everibody, that we have safely returned to Denmark, and that we under the circumstances are OK. Having just started our trip home, our car was torpedoed by another car close to the competition site and we were shaked quite madly. Ole Steiness is now in a danish hospital where he is to be operated for a small crack in his jaw, but he is in high spirit. The two other danes Thomas Ross and Christian Engelbrecht just need a few days break before they’re ready for new adventures. Chris has got a mighty blow on the head and suffers from amnesia, so we can’t detect anything different on him! We wore safety belts and under the circumstances we were shit lucky! Thomas‘ car is history, but the gear survived and was transported to Denmark by the Swedes, thank you so much! At the hospital in Soignies we had repeated visits from the organizers and many of the competitors. Everibody has been like gold and has made this experience a lot easier to handle.

See ya in Nice!
Ole, Thomas & Chris

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